Sunday 11 May 2014

Why I Love Creating Beautiful Handmade Beaded Jewellery

I started making my own jewellery, because I love shiny sparkly things, but more importantly, I can make bespoke, one of a kind jewellery designs, that can go with any outfit I have in my wardrobe. It's literally like being a kid in a candy shop, I choose the colour of the beads, the findings, the clasps and "voila", I have my own unique piece of jewellery.

I was talking with my fellow jewellery designers a few days ago and asked them what was their biggest challenge when it came to jewellery design,  the majority of them said "coming up with unique new designs". Thankfully I've never have that problem, nearly everyday I have designs in my head, mostly influenced by the things I see around me. I can be walking in my local park and designs come flooding in. I always have my jewellery notebook with me and jot down designs in this book.

Most of the time jewellery designs spring on me when I'm ready to go to bed and there have been many times when I've woken up at 5am, took out my jewellery tool kit and started making jewellery there and then.

My mind is always "buzzing " with ideas. I absolutely find jewellery to be cathartic and therapeutic, I'm fully absorbed when I'm creating my designs. I'm convinced jewellery making lowers blood pressure, eases anxiety and brings a sense of fufillment and creativeness, this is why I would like to give my blog readers a free newsletter containing lots tips on how to create your own jewellery, and as a special gft, I'm giving the first 50 subscribers a free handmade bracelet designed by myself. It's easy  to subscribe just leave your name and email in the blue box  to your right.

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